Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On the Road.....

Heading to Taiwan for two weeks of vacation with the Lady. Two weeks of much needed vacation out of Korea.

For the first time in my life I'm going to experience Chinese New Year traditional style. Or maybe Neo traditional style. Or ....... I don't know. I'm not expecting anything from this trip except adventure and good times, adventure because I've never been to this place before, and good times because that's what I bring.

However, I expect great things from the Landis hotel in Taipei,

And some sweet beaches.

Rock and Roll!


while we are away, my landlord is going to destroy my apartment. See, I live in a three story building. I live on the top floor, a family of Koreans on the middle floor, and the landlord in the bottom. There's a leak in between my floor and the middle apartment. Well, they say it's a leak. The truth of the matter is that there is and never has been any grouting in my bathroom. This building is 20 years old. Anyone who has ever done bathroom work can tell you the math on this madness. There's a giant puddle of rot water inbetween the floors, leaking through the concrete, and messing up the entire building.

Add to this that Korean's don't build buildings to last more than 20 years, and are notorious for cutting corners and using substandard materials, well..... I think you're seeing the picture. So, in addition to getting ready to go on vacation, I've also been, well, packing. Almost as if to move. They are going to come in here tomorrow and smash up all the floors, rip out the plumbing, rip out the bathroom, put in new pipes, new plumbing, new bathroom, and supposedly new kitchen.

Meanwhile, all my belongings will be under the care of people notorious for not giving a damn about other peoples belongings, property, or well being.

Disaster on the horizon? Oh yeah. So tonight I'll be breaking down my computers, packing up my monitors, and hoping that everything will be ok.


Stress? You bet. Worst case scenario I'll be coming back from a beach vacation to no home in the middle of February with all my worldly possessions strewn about the street. Although I have no back up plan for this scenario, I am prepared.

fear thee not gentle reader! It's not plan X. It's plan T.

Rock n' Roll!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dude, good luck with that. We just went through the old flood damage thing... a fucking nightmare, and we have building codes!!!

  2. I dread to think what they're going to find when they rip out the bathtub. 20 years of water seeping through the concrete.

    How can you not grout the tiles in a bathroom?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm going on vacation.

  3. Just ask the people who owned our home....not sure if they completely understood the whole grout issue...


    Have a blast on holiday...I expect to see many, many gorgeous photos when you get back.
