Saturday, May 2, 2009

Worth Reading!

This article in the NY Times is well worth reading. It's short, but it details a bold new way of thinking about how we connect bits inside our machines.

This more, shall we say, flexible, way of connecting electronics opens up a whole new way of tailoring the physical manifestations of our personal technology, if you allow it.

I remember, some years ago, as nano-technology was taking its first steps. Pundits and prophets heralded the dawn of the nano age, and were expecting that in their lifetimes there would be nano mini factories that could sit on your desk and produce what you needed at the click of a button, if you had the base materials to build and the power to run it.

Sure, pencils, paper, such not, that is conceivable. A mini-factory could store the basic design, stack the carbon bits and solder molecules together, but what about a cell phone? Or a speaker? Or a laser pointer? Complex electronics would certainly take ages for a nano-factory to produce, building and placing chips and circuit boards, wires, casings, gah! Wouldn't it be simpler to just go out and buy one?

Maybe. Maybe not. Read the article linked to above. "Silver ooze", they call it, and take a second to dream of the possibilities. If the innards of an electronic device become liquid, well then.... instead of worrying about running connectors and wires, solder and snap in components, well... hmmmm.

Food for thought.....

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