Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blast from the past!

Here's a few September posts from 2005 From that other blog which did not stand the test of time.

Interesting to look back.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Return of Pain Ray-- microwave update

Some of you out there will remember earlier rants and reports about the development of a mobile microwave projector that the US has been toying with over the last several years. This article is the latest I've seen on it's expected deployment. For those uninitiated to the freedom created by this marvel, read carefully! Mounted on the back of a truck, or the underside of a helicopter, the pain ray works by bombarding people with low intensity microwaves. Not enough to cook your innards, but enough to boil the water present in your skin. While, supposedly, not yet tested in real life situations, the least this freedom wave will do is make you feel like every inch of your skin is on fire, upon such feeling you will most likely drop to the ground and do the freedom twitch until it is switched off. At the most, it'll cause the water in your skin to boil and burst, leaving you with numerous bloody, freedom stains all over your heretical, non-christian clothing.

The sooner this gets into the field, the sooner we can start transmitting freedom directly into the flesh, rather than taking that cumbersome route around through the ears and around the brain.
Unfortunately the link that this was connected has been taken down at Defense News dot Com A shame. Defense news cot com is a fine website. Lots of neat little articles. see also

the wiki for this machine, please note the contracts given

this one from 2008 which discusses the expanding interest

and this one from February 2009 discussing the miniaturization

ah pain ray. I can't wait for you to infringe my civil rights, beneath my skin.

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