and here British scientists have developed a stem cell cure for the most common form of blindness. Surgeons predict that within six or seven years it will be a one hour procedure.
HOLY $(@Q#)(#*&)#@(&*#!!!! This is a cure for the degeneration of your eyes. That's absolutely awesome, and absolutely terrifying. This is not the cusp of that future we've always wondered about, this is the beginning of that downward slope into a new age. Where it will take us, and how far, are truly scary questions when it comes down to it. We've pondered this moment in our fiction, our science fiction, our comic books, our dreams. It's one thing to dream elaborate fears of future things when your hands are empty, it's quite another when the first tools start to appear in those hands.
Are you responsible enough to make sure we do the right thing?
Parts of America are going batshit crazy. (batshit crazy has been my catchphrase of the month). These are some crazy, funny antics, like this answer to the Obama administration's campaign of change: ""I'll keep my faith, my guns and my money, and you can keep your change!". the entire article is full of gems like this. Enjoy. (photo courtesy of the Huffington Post)

Jackie Chan weighs in on freedom in China. I think sitting down and talking to him for a few hours about this subject would be fantastic. His point of view, the life he's lived, the things he's seen, would be spectacular.
And my final selection today goes to Kim Jong Il for threatening a war he can't win. In what will be viewed as an ultimate tantrum, (but will probably end up being just another move in his crazy-ass chess game aux global politics), Kim Jong Il is kickin' it up a notch. However, it's pretty damn droll. Strangely enough, front page of the best paper in Korea ran this story about beefing up the robotics industry here. What the article fails to mention is the military robots that South Korea commissioned five or six years ago. It's never boring.
Oh, and although I can't find the link anymore, the following picture was in a Korean newspaper in response to the people of Madagascar overthrowing their government and subsequently throwing Samsung out of its colonial bid to develop a huge amount of their land for soy. The Korean papers, as you can tell from the cartoon, had some truly moronic things to say.

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